Monday, May 18, 2009

Second Round. *Ding Ding*

You better be ready for everything here.
Just a warning before you get to far into this one :)

1. I was completely unprepared for college.
(But now I find that as an okay step in my life. I didn't know what I was getting into and noe that I have all these options ahead of me *man* my world has expanded. Exponentially.)

2. I don't understand people anymore.
(I've been around so many people just like me that I've never really had to cross bridges to understand and now I'm kinda in over my head. I'm glad I was halfway prepared for that. I don't know what half the people I love would do in my situation. That worries me a lot more than it should.)

(Not to brag)
3. I'm relatively decent at math.
(That makes me happy, seriously. I can keep up (for the most part) with my friends and other students. That makes me super happy. Like, we fly high happy...)

4. I'm completely done with this "Christian Bubble" concept. I want nothing to do with it.
(I was not made to be off by myself on an island with a bunch of other people JUST LIKE ME. I was made to go and reach the world that I live in daily. It does say "be ye not transformed." I'm not transforming. I'm loving them. Let me love them and stop hindering me from doing what I was commanded)

5. I miss reading.
(I cannot wait for Memorial Day weekend so I can hopefully finish the book that has been sitting on my headboard for almost three months. I miss reading just for the thrill of the next words to come. I never finished The Raw Shark Texts. Or House of Leaves. Or P.S. I Love You. Or The Light Keepers Daughter. Or Piercing the Darkness. Or... that list goes on forever.)

6. What happened to the Swine Flu?!
(Seriously. Everyone was freaking out one day. And the next *POOF* it was gone.)

7. I'm sick of hearing the dating speeches.
(Tell someone else how their going to find Prince Charming. I don't need any help. I don't want any help. I'd rather you just not talk to me about it. Oh, and if you must come to me for advice because you can't figure out if you should hold his hand or not, you better not ask after I explain it the third time. You should already know this stuff BEFORE you date someone.)

8. I really with that people would stop lying to me.
(I realize that will probably never ever ever ever ever happen. But, for once in my life I really wish they'd stop doing it to my face where I can see it. I can read people better than you think and you are no exception to this rule. By the way, I'm so looking forward to being in the same room as you at Youth Congress. I will take your phone away at 2am. I'm not sitting up listening to you talk to him for another 4 hours until your phone battery dies. I'm going to hide it. Just you wait.)

9. I miss summer.
(Summer is here in full force *almost* and I''m missing most of it. Thank you Calculus and Physics. And my job. And my inadequate sleep schedule. And the fact that the sun is just rising earlier.)

This is the last one.
I realize this is mostly a whiny post. Sorry.

10. A story.
I locked my keys in the car today. You'd think one of us would have a coat hanger in their car. (And by US I mean 10 (future) engineers.) Crowed around my car trying to stick anything and everything into my car window that's open about half and inch. It was kinda funny in retrospect until the *savior* from the parking office showed up to open it. He was kind of a jerk. And if he'd opened the door faster I probably would have kicked him. What a jerk.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm So Not...

I never have been.
And it looks like it's going to be a continuing tradition.

Although looks like I can make a bomb go off whenever I want though. (seems to be that I know just how to word myself to make everyone go into a crazy dither)

Tell me something will you?

Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

What does that tell you?
Does it tell you not to understand them?!

No. No where in that verse does it say that I cannot understand my best friends situations and what they deal with.
(oh but that isn't a necessity, you don't need to understand to witness) >>Fact One: You cannot exclude yourself from what happens in their lives and EXPECT to be any kind of witness, it will not happen)

We live in a world FULL of garbage that shouldn't be something we look at as a whole. But if you never slightly expose yourself to anything that is remotely related to real world stuff.

It's like the concept of having a verses and (something that I found tonight) verses
(this is one example of a post from - "traveling to sweden, may God open doors to share the gospel with some lost person on the way"
which I fully understand, but I'm more with this guy >>"Honestly, I think this is lame. Twitter is fine. Christians don't need another bubble to exist in. Please dismantle.")
and even things like and anything else that is along those lines are pointless. Yeah, I'm going to "Twitness" to people on twitter to save their souls. Yeah right. Yeahhhh righhhhttttttt.....

Why don't you let me do this my way. Because in the past year, who has decided to take a leap of faith and become friends with the 'unsaveable' people. God saves all. And you know what, stop holding onto the gospel. Let it go free. God will save them. WE HAVE TO be their friends. Period. That's a declarative statement.

Take this how you want it. I'm done with my soapboxing again.

And if I poured salt in a wound, tell me. Give me a solid reason for believing that I'm wrong for reaching out in whatever way works for me.

If that means reading a book about a teenager addicted to crack cocaine then I'm going to. If it means grabbing a movie that's a tad bit offensive because of the language. If it means desensitizing myself to the way the world conducts itself so I can be around my gay and lesbian friends and honestly be their friend. It does NOT mean that I'm any less of a Christian than you. I just have a really sharp needle that you might want to keep your all-inclusive-live-in-a-hole-and-know-nothing lifestyles eyes out for.

And yes. I realize I'm harsh with these words. But I'm so done with the 'Christian bubble' and all the segregation that comes with it. I'll be their friend and confidant, when all you want to do is hand them tracks and tell them that you'll pray for them and that Jesus will save them. That's more like step seven. Get it in line people.

Hate the sin. NOT THE SINNER.

And even if you hate it, be their friend. Love them. Just like Jesus loves them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

First Day Back.

It started out wonderfully.
I don't know why anyone would classify Calculus 2 as wonderful, but it was. :)

For that matter, Graphics was a breeze too.

And now it looks like it is going to be another interesting semester because of the whole "another professor that I may or may not be able to understand". At least it's not warm in this classroom. I might fall asleep if it was.

I'm listening and attempting to understand the accent that this interesting little old man has and it's kinda making it awesome.

So maybe it won't be that bad after all.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love Leads to Marriage. Marriage Isn't Just for the Sex.

Raise your hand if you got married between the ages of 19-25.
Warning: This may include you.

I get so irritated when people try and tell me that I should be married by the time I'm 22. I've heard more lessons and discussions directed towards me about how I'm not in a relationship now and I should be lookingfor Mr. Right.

You wanna know why I DON'T want to get married.
Lets see here...

- I'm in school full time.
- I want to be in line for a good career by my third or fourth year of college.
- I'd like to be stable financially (as much is as possible)
- And sex isn't that important to me.

That's right. I said it. Sex isn't that important.
By now you should know that I've been raised in church (at least if you've read any of my previous blogs) and I truly believe you should abstain from sex before your married (and I could get off on a whole topic on what is and isn't considered abstaining).

So, that's all easy right?!
Apparently not.

I get so bothered by the fact that half of my peers within the church are married and the other half are in a really serious relationship. What's wrong with MY generation!
Can you not keep it in your pants?!

Marriage shouldn't just be for the sex you want. Oh wait, the lovemaking. Guess I should be politically correct huh? It should be because you truly love the person and you want nothing more than to make them happy. That seems to be the reason for most of the people I know but I always wonder...

Maybe I'm a crazy anomaly to the Christian bubble.

Or maybe I'm halfway right....