Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year. New Start. (Just Like Every Other Year)

It is now January 1st 2010.
And I'm starting over with this blog. I don't feel he need to go back and erase anything, because even though they may not be the fondest of memories, they are in fact memories, facts and stories I don't want purged.

I'm fighting my computer while typing this as I'm trying to upload some files and it's decided to take the better part of today (and yesterday) to get anywhere substantial. And it's just laaaggggiiiiinnnng because it can.

So lets see. Things I wanted to accomplish last year (but never did)
-Have a better GPA. (fat chance)
-Be in a substantial relationship (so close, but so far away)
-Lose about 10lbs, and keep it off for good. (So shoot for 20, and be happy with 20. Also didn't happen)
-Get smarter. (define smarter?)

Things I want this year.
-Still to get a better GPA
-Not fail Chemistry (!!!)
-Still get that relationship.
-And possibly lose a few pounds.

Numbers 1 and 2 go hand in hand. Plus, I need to really get Calculus right now too. Number 3, I don't now if it will ever happen, but I really hope so. Number 4 is pretty much a moot point, but why not add it just as a 'if all else fails' clause.

I keep getting 'Happy New Years!' texts and my neighbors are setting off fireworks still (Crazies!) and I'm just getting tireder. But that's probably a side effect of the drugs I'm on right now. Thank you Dr. Livesay for making my New Years a memorable one... or a not so memorable one. So far the only thing I remember is eating a piece of carrot cake, and asking (no begging) my sister to let me play the wii (the little Nazi won't share).

That's the extent of my New Years joy.
I have to work today. We'll see how that goes (that drugged up feeling better last my whole shift too)...

Much love to any and all that read
(or even skim) this.

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